August 9, 2008


Posted in Guyana, Philosophy, Religion, Thoughts tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , at 3:55 am by randallbutisingh



Brian and Kristen Konkol, a young couple, are missionaries who recently began working in South Africa. I have known Brian for a number of years and Kirsten, whom he married for over a year. I am proud of the work they did in Guyana before moving to South Africa in November 2007. They truly lived the gospel and are good writers. We have had several discussions on spiritual matters and I have been reading his regular newsletters which I found informative and inspirational. Here are two pieces from our discussions that I would like to share with you: I trust Brian will approve of them.

Randall Butisingh


From: Randall Butisingh:

To: Brian Konkol


There’s no doubt that the task you and Kristen have assumed is an onerous one.  It has to be so, as it is “the Greatest Task you have been assigned to” and it will need only people like you, dedicated and committed, to make it succeed.  … People who are willing to sacrifice their lives to build, as you said, “a better society,”… which will bring the Kingdom of God on earth. You may, at times, be tempted to think: “Why did I have to give up the ease and comfort I could have had, and endure all this? That is natural.  Our Lord had His temptations.  But what are the material things and pleasures of the flesh?  They are transient and cannot satisfy. But what you will acquire in your desire to serve cannot be taken from you. I mean the virtues like love and compassion, faith and hope, patience and endurance.  These virtues will sustain you.  The fruit of your efforts will not be the perishable things of the flesh, but the everlasting gifts of the Spirit. You will not need a comfortable living, as you will experience the Joy and Peace of a Life worth living and which is all that matters.

Kindest regards,



From: Brian Konkol

To: Randall Butisingh


Your supportive words always mean a great deal.  Thank you.

When it comes to the “material” side of life, I’ve been hearing a great deal as of late from friends and family about the current economic conditions across the United States.  With rising gas prices, rising food costs, the dipping housing market, and other contributing factors, people who were quite “comfortable” just a few years ago are now feeling the “financial crunch” that was once reserved only for the lower class.  Working middle-class people now have to cut expenses and start choosing between needs and wants.

When I hear of the struggles people in the United States are now enduring, I usually have two main thoughts.  First, I feel compassion for them, for I know that it is indeed a struggle, but secondly, I think about all the people around the world who have it much worse, and I feel as if people in the US aren’t as thankful as they should be.  It is certainly a mixture of emotions, and I often do not know how to handle it.  I do not wish to minimize people’s struggles here in the US, because they are difficult struggles indeed.  Yet, when you compare them to the struggles of those in Africa and other corners of the world, it is difficult to match them up.  There are many different kinds of struggles in our world, and I find it difficult to “compare” them when the contexts are so different.

Thankfully, the God of the middle class American is also the God of the struggling African.  And through the Spirit, God is able to walk alongside us all, and in the midst of our diversity, encouraging us to walk alongside each other.

Again, it’s good to hear from you.  I look forward to hearing more soon!

With peace,

